A unique 1:1 coaching container for non-CONFORMIST photographers
to forge their own unique high-end experience from their magic.

Coaching + 6 Step Process Experience

As an unconventional creative, an authentically you brand and uncommon experience packages looks different than the common path the rest of the industry takes.

Because, we are not the typical, ordinary, run-of-the-mill people who make up the majority of the population. We are the weird, nerdy, neuro-sparkly folks with a creative fire in our bellies that always needs to be expressed- who feel like we don’t fit in.

It’s time to stop trying to fit in, step out of the industry rat race, and frolic down your unique trail.

✨ Doors are closed ✨

High-End Alchemy™ is now closed,
book a
🔥 SPARK Session 🔥 instead.

If you’re bummed you missed joining High-End Alchemy™
but still want my help…

+ with your brand,
+ packages that your clients love,
+ mindset blocks & wobbles
+ and finding your own unique path in the industry
(because you’re fucking over the BS of the industry).

You can still get help by booking a one-off 1:1 SPARK Session.

You can book a one-off SPARK 1:1 session with me as a "choose your own adventure" type of support if you need a quick spark of help, now.

You can book them one at a time, whenever you feel you need a spark of clarity, inspiration, mindset wobbles, biz development, and figuring out your next moves.

✨ Book a 30-minute SPARK session for 1 specific thing to work on to dig in & hit the ground running.

✨ Book a 90-minute SPARK for more complicated/ involved support needed.

✨ Book a recorded SPARK Audit of your site, marketing messaging, aligned client attraction/ conversion, and SEO missed opportunities if for direction and answers.

So, if joining High-End Alchemy™ didn't fit this time
but you know you want my help,

🔥 Book a SPARK and choose your own adventure. 🔥

It all comes down to experience.

That's the solution to stand out of the crowd, get more (see: better) leads, and get more "we want you"s.

Leaning into my magic and how I wanted to create in this world changed everything for me.

It's what got me from:

  • living in a mold-infested NYC basement to living in a home I own, in Iceland, along the ocean.

  • Owning the 4x4 SUV I've always wanted to play in the Icelandic Highland.

  • But most importantly booking clients I legit connect with who get me and I get them.

As someone with ADHD, feeling understood and appreciated is essential for me to feel comfortable letting down my walls to create my art.

Before, when I was still a generic wedding photographer brand, I had so, so many clients that did not appreciate me, my art, or want a creative. They just wanted a roaming camera to sometimes, actually, physically push around.

But, when I leaned into my multi-hyphen magic and instead of offering just packages, offered an experience- that’s when I started booking at rates that equalled the value I was providing, had a brand I was excited for and proud of, and could have my time-freedom back because I could book fewer clients a year.

What's your hyphen in the middle between you as a person and delivering images?

That's where the magic is and *how* you can carve out your own market
with no competition- and raise out of the messy middle.

Join High-End Alchemy™ today for your spot in this unique 1:1 coaching container.

✨ Doors are closed ✨

Alchemize Your Weird into Brand Magic

Alchemize Your Weird into Brand Magic ✨

Inside the High-End Alchemy™ coaching program of 1:1 sessions + the 6-Step method to zig from the masses & book high-end pricing, you will:
- burn the rulebook of what the high-end market means,

- hand-craft an uncommon client experience that breaks through the noise of the industry,

- unlearn what you think you ‘‘need’’,

- let go of mainstream advice leading you astray,

- and get over the mindset barriers holding you stuck in the messy middle of where you are now & where you want to be.

The High-End Alchemy™ method combines coaching + business strategy processes such as aligned branding, attraction marketing, crafting a custom experience, and experience-based sales backed by psychology and neuroscience.

Every part of the process helps you transition into a high-end experience by hitting the steps needed to do it successfully.

you will toss out advice based on ‘‘this is how everyone does it’’.

The 6-Step High-End Alchemy™ Process

high-end alchemy group coaching for elopement photographers

brand alchemy

  • Refine your brand instead of starting from scratch in a rebrand (again).

  • Enhance what's already working & unlock more magic.

  • Connect the dots to create an authentic, aligned, and unique brand that stands out in the crowd.

  • Let go of what you think you need & peel away the polish to represent your magic.

high-end alchemy group coaching for elopement photographers

aligned client discovery

  • You will do my effective & deep Aligned Client Avatar discovery process.

  • Forget about demographics & surface-level shit that doesn't matter.

  • Instead, you will figure out who your magic-fit people are like a puzzle.

  • And know what's important to your aligned clients & how to speak to them.

high-end alchemy group coaching for elopement photographers

experience-based service

  • Craft a client experience & packages tailor-made for your aligned clients- like magic- that showcases who you are.

  • The puzzle pieces of brand + your magic + aligned client fit together in a truly uncommon service.

  • Toss out the boring industry standard 3-4 packages the rest of the industry has.

high-end alchemy group coaching for elopement photographers

attraction marketing

  • Stop chasing clients in your marketing & relying on social media.

  • Know what matters to your aligned clients to build trust & connection to inquire.

  • No more linear marketing and screaming into a void.

  • Build your castle & stop being at the mercy of an algorithm.

  • Be discovered when your aligned clients are in the right place of the buyers’ journey to inquire and buy.

  • Understand the most important part of your marketing- The Confidence Gap™.

high-end alchemy group coaching for elopement photographers

high-end sales

  • This is when you can forget basically everything you think you know about sales- selling to low-cost buyers and high-end buyers are not the same.

  • Learn what matters to high-end buyers, how to foster the trust needed, & how guide aligned clients to a sale.

  • Without pressure, forcing decisions, tactics, manipulation, or any other commonly used sales strategies.

  • Know what to do from inquiry to booking.

  • Know how to have a highly converting sales conversation.

high-end alchemy group coaching for elopement photographers

fulfillment after the yes

  • Your job really starts after the yes, learn how to make sure you're delivering on your experience.

  • How to keep enhancing the client experience during the fulfillment phase where the industry standard is to just offer excellent customer service (and maybe a welcome gift) in the preparation phase.

  • Learn how to get over any ‘not good enoughs’ mindset.

  • Bake your magic into your processes as a way to get testimonials and other feedback to use in your marketing later.

  • - in small US markets.

    - in small European markets.

    - in locations that aren't the popular elopement spots.

    - in one of the lowest-income US states.

    - in Australia/ New Zealand.

    - in Midwestern US states.

    - in non-tourist areas.

    - in tourist areas.

    - in market moves to new locations.

    - who are quirky, nerdy, goofy, visionaries, impactful, and weird.

  • - rely on social media.

    - rebrand or be "luxury".

    - change your photo style.

    - rely on prints for a bulk of your income.

    - have all day, sun up to sundown, unlimited packages to book at 5-figures.

    - have an associate team.

    - stuff your packages with whatever you can think of to make them "worth" the price.

    - rely on planners to bring you clients.

    - try to get into the high net worth 1% circles (that hire based off people already in that circle referring folks).

  • - be yourself in your brand.

    - expand what you can offer the world.

    - make marketing feel natural and aligned with you.

    - forget basically everything you've learned about sales probably.

    - dig in, evolve, transform, and grow yourself and your business.

Craft your alchemy of high-end through mindset shifts, coaching, & a foundational process library.

High-End Alchemy™ is a unique 1:1 container
paired with the 6-step foundational process.

Create and implement an experience-based service authentic to you to level up & out of the messy middle and gives you back your time-freedom by booking fewer clients a year.

In this UNIQUE coaching container & PROCESS,
you will implement my High-End Alchemy™ 6-step process to
zig from the masses and book your magic-fit clients at value-based prices.

join High-End Alchemy™

✨ Doors are closed ✨

Welcome to the

High-End Alchemy™ Experience

what’s included

1:1 coaching container

Through three 1:1 coaching sessions, you will work through internal blocks or self-imposed restrictions unlocking the keys needed to move you forward.

  • 3 one-to-one coaching sessions at 45 minutes each:

    1- Brand Alchemy, Aligned Client, & Marketing Magic.
    2- Custom Experience, Packages & Pricing.
    3- Sales Sorcery.

  • Book your sessions to fit within your schedule (through July).

  • Get Steph's brain & hands on your business to overcome mindset blocks, restrictive beliefs, and hands-on help with the 6-Step Process.

the 6-step foundational process

The High-End Alchemy™ method focuses on aligning your business to your unique needs and offering what high-end clients value most- a custom, personalized, and exclusive experience.

  • These are bite-sized & easy to consume alongside the 6-step library (not a long course).

  • Do more than once as you keep evolving while doing this High-End Alchemy™ method.

  • The foundational process library is available for 12-18 months (long after this container ends).

  • You'll implement specific processes in the 6-Step process library before each 1:1 session.

immediately refine vs rebrand

The 6-Step High-End Alchemy™ process is my unique method of extracting what is already working best in your brand and how to unlock the keys to more magic you have yet to identify.

  • Immediately start implementing changes to what already you have.

  • You will build off the marketing you’re already doing.

  • You will refine your sales process with serving your clients in mind.

  • You will reimagine your packages from what you are already doing based on ethical sales psychology.

  • And, upgrade your sales process for a smooth booking process.

✨ Doors are closed

Zig away from the industry masses and be the no-brainer choice for your magic-fit clients.

this is not a course.

High-End Alchemy™ is the exact 6 step process that I’ve taken myself & my clients through to:

+ Go from $1k elopements to over $16k elopements.

+ Go from middle-range bookings to making $20k in one week.

+ Make their entire yearly expenses by mid-March.

+ Make an additional $130k a year while booking fewer jobs than previously.

+ Book at 2x-5x the market average and up to 10x their pricing.

+ Start booking 1.5-hour sessions at the same price as full-day elopements when they first started this process.

+ Feel the creative spark in their business again, lean into their unique style, infuse their magic to truly be unique in the market, and feel excited about the experience they provide for their clients.

So you’ve been,

  • But, you’ve hit a wall where you can’t book any more clients without totally burning out year-over-year.

  • But, you feel stuck at the pricing you’re at in the messy-middle and want step-by-step help up and out of there.

  • But, the thought of having to start from scratch again makes you feel overwhelmed before it even begins.

  • But, you think only ‘‘luxury’’ brands can charge high-end pricing, or you don’t want to work with the ‘‘high-end’’ type of clients because it’s just not you.

  • But, you don’t know any other way or why they keep going in another direction.

  • But, how the fuck do you do that if the big guru courses you’ve taken already leave you overwhelmed and having a brand/ business/ packages like the other thousands of folks in the course.

The solution combines your alchemy of high-end magic to infuse in custom experiences.

Because high-end buyers care about-

🔮 Custom & personalized exclusive experiences
(not picking from a list with the same packages others have)
🔮 Feeling trust, clarity, and value before they buy
(not pressured or responding to sales tactics to ‘‘win’’ them)
🔮 Uniqueness, connection, and feeling understood from your marketing, communications, & selling
(not being spoken at, pushed through, and seeing generic marketing assets)

✨ Doors are closed ✨

Hi, I’m Steph

I’m a Performance Coach for multi-hyphenate creatives.
(and, elopement photographer in Iceland)

Brand Alchemist-Mindset Wizard-coach-photographer-adhd’er-introvert-weirdo

Want to know a little secret?

9 out of 10 times, when you find yourself at a crossroads where you can see where you want to go but it feels like your feet are stuck in mud up to your knees and you can’t seem to get any further than you are now-

It’s almost always because your brain & nervous system are running the show and creating all sorts of chaos to keep you right where you are because that shiny new future you can feel you want is uncertain.
It’s scary.
It could mean failure.
It could mean losing all of your money.

—> And, that’s why I coach the person before we ever work on the tangible strategies or changing anything in their business.

This is the same story, many moons ago, that my brain kept whispering in my ear every time I gave it a good ole’ college try to make my dreams happen. I found myself, time and time again, back where I started- frustrated, feeling like I would never be as successful as I wanted, and confused about what steps I should take next.

It wasn’t until I took my personal development seriously that everything shifted for me in my life which flowed down to my business to zig away from the industry & craft completely unique experiences.

The world opened up with new possibilities and I could understand for the first time why I kept self-sabotaging myself into oblivion. Because of the business I’d built, I was able to move to Iceland. This is why now, as a coach for the past 5 years, I help others do the same, overcome their restrictions, and grow their business.

Why Me…

✨ 19 years of photography business experience.

✨ Specializing in elopements with custom “so Steph” experiences for the past 5+ years via my own process.

✨ 3x certified Master Coach & Hypnotherapist with 5 years of coaching creatives in their business and life- online and in-person.

✨ This High-End Alchemy™ coaching program & process is a proven process I’ve done & my clients have done to carve out their unique market and successfully elevate their service to 2x-10x their pricing

(plus, feel fucking awesome).

high-end alchemy™ is my Steph Magic™ - not regurgitated information from someone else.

elopement couple

In High-End Alchemy™, through coaching and my processes,

I’m here to help you…

  • build the confidence needed to stand out in the industry,

  • confidently know why your couples would pick you over everyone else,

  • lean into trusting your artistic style & trusting your magic-fit clients love it,

  • overcome blocks around money, pricing, custom packages, selling, and more.

  • leverage your multi-hyphenate talents to combine them into one truly unique service that only you can offer.

✨ Doors are closed ✨

Join High-End Alchemy™

The basic ticket or the all-in experience
(and meet me in Iceland!)

↓ ↓ ↓

The Basic Brew Ticket:

(worth $2397)


(worth $3333)


WORTH $5730

The All-In Alchemist’s Experience:

Basic Brew, Plus-

+ An additional 6-month access to the High-End Alchemy™ 6-Step Process library.

+ 3-day immersive & in-person Iceland ACTIVATE group retreat experience
October 15th-17th, 2024 in Iceland with a small group to catapult you into your next evolution.
(worth $4545)

+ 2 ADDITIONAL 1:1 Breakthrough Spark Sessions with Steph, - one before + one after the ACTIVATE Retreat to help you implement what you discovered in the experience.
(worth $798)

(worth $299)

Worth $11,372 INDIVIDUALLY

✨ Doors are closed, however the iceland retreat tickets are on sale. ✨

✨ Doors are closed ✨

For us weirdos, standing out in the market can feel a bit scary, and figuring out how to break through the wall
& out of the messy middle can be overwhelming.

That’s where coaching comes in.

I have good news- you’re closer than you think to breaking through the barriers holding you from where you want to be.

here’s the thing,

Whether you’re a seasoned photographer who’s tried before to have a ‘‘unique brand’’ (but couldn’t unlock that key), or you’ve perhaps bought a big course that promised you a ‘‘new life’’ (that you’ve yet to see)-

You are completely capable (and ready) to decide to zig from the masses and do your own magical thing.

Here’s your permission slip to walk down the hallways, out of the building, and never look back (other than to give it the finger).

In my years of coaching photographers & creatives, since pre-pandemic days,
through the process of:

✨ unlocking the keys to craft truly unique brands aligned to who they are,
figuring out what marketing ecosystem works best for their brains,
and honing in on their natural sales skills & processes

the same themes kept showing up

They felt like they:

  • Needed to act like a ‘‘better version’’ of themselves to book higher-paying clients.

  • Are not interesting enough to have a unique brand, or, are too weird for clients to like them.

  • Are not worthy enough to make a living from their one-of-a-kind art.

  • Are afraid of getting laughed at by potential clients or rejected.

Fears, doubts, what-ifs, not-good-enoughs, and other root cause restrictions holding them stuck where they are.

There are always so many thoughts and feelings to be sifted through, unlocked, overcome, and found like a missing puzzle piece to get them over the muck…

For the brand breakthroughs, pricing breakthroughs, marketing clarity, and sales breakthroughs to happen.

So, they coach through that, like magic, and the pieces start falling into place.

And that, my friend, is why

High-End Alchemy™
not a course

Throw the industry-standard way of doing things in the trash.

Instead, offer an experience encompassing all of your unique magic.

this is not a course

High-End Alchemy™ is a coaching process focused on the necessary steps to create a high-end experience your magic-fit clients love- while:

✨ Overcoming mindset blocks & restrictive beliefs around your brand, booking high-end pricing, marketing, attracting your magic-fit clients, and selling.

✨ Refining where you are to be aligned to your unique alchemy of magic vs doing a ‘‘burn it down’’ rebrand that takes lots of time, money, and waiting.

✨ Getting hands-on help from Steph to implement the principles taught in the 6-Step Process base layer foundational library of her proprietary business-uplevel processes.

✨ High-End Alchemy™ pairs the best of both worlds with 1:1 coaching and an implementable process to immediately start making changes.

What You’ll Do in High-End Alchemy™:

✨ Exit the messy-middle of having a brand you feel ‘ok’ with and one that truly represents your magic (where the byproduct is booking at higher prices).

✨ Understand how you are different in the market (dare I say industry), how to communicate it, and most importantly- how to attract your magic-fit clients to you (without relying on social media).

✨ Pinpoint who your magic-fit clients are effectively
(You can toss out that demographic & focus on what lattes they drink BS)

✨ Implement a marketing system that covers the 3 pillars needed and moves your magic-fit clients through the most IMPORTANT part of your marketing- the Confidence-Gap™ -with ease.

Toss out the industry standard strategy & instead build out a custom experience service to meet your client’s wants, needs, and dreams.

Create an uncommon client & brand experience that your specific clients are totally drawn to & build the trust needed to book you.

✨ Doors are closed ✨

Join High-End Alchemy™

The basic ticket or the all-in experience
(and meet me in Iceland!)

↓ ↓ ↓

The Basic Brew Ticket:

(worth $2397)


(worth $3333)


WORTH $5730

The All-In Alchemist’s Experience:

Basic Brew, Plus-

+ An additional 6-months access to the High-End Alchemy™ 6-Step Process library,

+ 3-day immersive & in-person Iceland ACTIVATE group retreat experience
October 15th-17th, 2024 to catapult you into your next evolution.
(worth $4545)

+ 2 ADDITIONAL 1:1 Breakthrough Spark Sessions with Steph, - one before + one after the ACTIVATE Retreat to help you implement what you discovered in the experience.
(worth $798)

(worth $299)

Worth $11,372 INDIVIDUALLY

✨ Doors are closed, however tickets to the iceland retreat are on sale✨

✨ Doors closed



The Basic Brew Ticket:

(worth $2397)


(worth $3333)


WORTH $5730

The Alchemist’s All-In Experience:

Basic Brew, Plus-

+ An additional 6-months access to the High-End Alchemy™ 6-Step Process library,

+ 3-day immersive & in-person Iceland ACTIVATE group retreat experience
October 15th-17th, 2024 to catapult you into your next evolution.
(worth $4545)

+ 2 ADDITIONAL 1:1 Breakthrough Spark Sessions with Steph, - one before + one after the ACTIVATE Retreat to help you implement what you discovered in the experience.
(worth $798)

(worth $299)

Worth $11,372 INDIVIDUALLY

Your Q’s, my A’s

  • You have three 45-minute 1:1 sessions to fit around your schedule.

    Each is focused on a specific part of the High-End Alchemy™ process which you will do before our session.

    You have through July to redeem your sessions!

  • This is giving you about 4 months for only 3 sessions, so you have plenty of time.

    You can schedule 1 a month, or all 3 in a row (at least 1 week apart to implement).

    If you don’t redeem your sessions they will be forfeit unless an arrangement has been made.

  • In my experience, most people don’t finish courses because they are bulky, overwhelming, time-consuming, and stuffed with unnecessary content

    There is no content to consume when you’re participating in coaching.

    The 6-Step processes library is all bite-sized and to the point, alongside the coaching to further explain concepts, frameworks, and systems you’ll implement.

  • Ok, here it goes- this is not a course.

    A course is a linear process with lots of content to consume.

    This is a coaching container with some accessory processes to implement.

  • There is a 14-day no-questions-asked guarantee or until your first 1:1 session has been scheduled due to the nature of 1:1 sessions and reserving a spot in my calendar - whichever happens first.

  • In my experience, most of the time photographers and creatives try to raise their prices they do not do it while also matching the value and experience provided.

    High-End Alchemy™ is the process from branding, marketing, custom experience, and selling all around transitioning you into high-end pricing hitting the steps needed.

    It’s not me telling you to raise prices because ‘‘you’re worth it’’.

  • Short answer- no, this works for any creative service-based business that wants to craft their service to be experience-based vs industry standard.

    Longer answer- the process is based on my own experience as an elopement photographer booking 5-figure experiences. It is the process I’ve taken my elopement / non-traditional wedding photographer 1:1 clients through as well. So the language in the 6-Step process library is heavily geared towards non-traditional weddings and elopements.

  • I know that everyone has businesses to run, money to make, and mushrooms to forage so this is set up to get most of the commitment in the coaching.

    The 6-Step process could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour each.

    You will be asked to have select steps completed before our 1:1 sessions as to not waste your time explaining something that’s in the process library.

    You have at least 12 months access to the 6-Step process library.

  • I have a process to extract the good out of what you are already doing to enhance it and to unlock the magic you are yet to use.

    I did not rebrand when I went from middle-market pricing to booking a 5-figure minimum.

    My clients also do not rebrand.

    You will, however, update your brand identity, copy, aligned client understanding, marketing efforts, and sales process to align with high-end buyers.


  • Here is my list!

    • I’ve been a professional photographer for about 19 years.

    • I’ve been booking weirdo, fun, non-conformist elopement clients at 5-figures for the past 5+ years with a process I created myself. (That you will learn).

    • I’m a 3x Master Certified Coach & Hypnotherapist (no, I more than likely won’t be inducing hypnosis on anyone) through the American Board of NLP & Hypnotherapy.

    • I’ve been coaching photographers & creatives since before the pandemic times lol

    • My 1:1 clients who come to me to help them book at higher prices and stop offering the boring basic packages have all gone through this process as well with landing in the high-end.

  • Yes please do!

    You can email me steph@stephzakas.com and ask away!

    You can also schedule a quick 15-minute video chat to ask me as well- HERE.



  • The process for pricing is all about the value that you receive and the results it helps with.

    I'd love to peel the pricing curtains back a bit, here why:

    • This isn't a course but a more personal, 1:1 coaching container.

      Courses are a one-size-fits-all approach where everyone is getting the same info via recorded content and implements on their own and hope they're doing it right.

    • Coaching is more personal and takes a higher level of skill because it goes deeper than just offering content and information.

    • Though results always vary depending on where each person is starting from, how they commit to the process-

      This is the process I've done (and the business model I've done for years) that moved my bookings into 5-figures while only offering me, my time, experience, and photography.

    • It's the process that my clients have also not only booked at 5-figures, but also completely evolved their brand, mindset, business, offers, and feeling fulfilled in what they are doing.

    • So, unlike most photography industry courses that aim to help folks get started, book their first season solid, etc.

    • This is transformational coaching and business transformation aimed specifically at laying the steps for booking at higher prices.

    • It's not comparable really to courses because it's not a course.

    • The cost of this container is less than 1 booking and will help you start booking at higher prices if you're booking in low to middle.

    • That's what we call ROI my friends.

success stories