How to Know When You’re Ready For Your Business to Grow and Life to Uplevel | Business Coach for Photographers & Creatives

how to know if you're ready for your business to grow for photographers and unconventional creatives

How do you really know when you’re ready to grow your business?

How do you know when you are ready for something? Usually, when you think about 'getting ready' for something new, it's to experience something that will improve your present state.

  • Ready to buy that new awesome thing.

  • Ready to finally move to that location of your dreams.

  • Ready to stop procrastinating and take action.

  • Ready to do the thing that you KNOW will improve your life.

You know what your present-day situation is like and you think you need to be in this 'ready' mode before taking action.

When most people think that this 'ready mode' is when:

  • their ducks are all aligned.

  • they will pay for this thing that will help them make more money... once they have more money.

  • they have 'the plan' all sorted, even though once you take ACTION, that plan hardly ever is accurate.

  • everything feels perfect, first.

The problem with this is that it's ALWAYS an external circumstance that must happen before you feel ready to take action on growing your business or improving your circumstances.

how to know if youre ready to grow your business

But this is just your brain trying to keep you from change because change doesn't ever feel fully safe in your nervous system. That's how brains are wired.

Change = Uncertainty.
Uncertainty = Maybe there’s a lion over there that will eat me and my family.

The truth is, you are never actually fully ready for anything.

You can PERCEIVE your external circumstances as being ready, but, what actually makes you ready is your
INTERNAL circumstances.

Being ready is actually:

- a decision that you will do the thing.

- a decision that you will make the most of the thing.

- a belief in yourself that you trust you will find your feet and your external circumstances don't have to be perfect before you can take action.

I've had some conversations with some rad folks about joining 5k ALCHEMIST™ and I've received 'I'm not sure I'm ready yet, but next time....'.

When the reality is that you are in the same place now as you will be the next round, and you taking action now will give you more momentum than waiting for whatever is perceived to happen before you can do the program that will help you with the thing you perceive as not ready.

- Do you have a new brand and don't think you're ready because it's new?
This is the perfect program for a new brand because you will literally build your brand, packages, marketing systems, and learn how to sell your new service right away.

- You haven't started selling the service yet that you would use 5k ALCHEMIST™
on so once you start selling, then you will be ready?
This is the perfect program to hash out your entire 3 foundations the right way the first time, in real-time, with group coaching and education. So you can start making money on that new service now instead of at end of the year.

- You want to wait until you have more clients until you go through a program that
helps you get more clients and THE RIGHT clients?
Well, this program helps you not only attract your clients, but your messaging and ALL content you will ever need to make, how to raise your prices to make more money with those clients, and how to sell to them. The program will make you more money.

- You bought another person's course/program but are interested in 5k ALCHEMIST™, you can see how it can help you, but you aren't ready until you finish the other?
This program works in tandem with basically anything else you are doing, especially if you are interested in everything I've spoken about in the 3-day series and what the program will be- because that means there is something there that can supplement what you are doing elsewhere.

are you ready to grow your creative business?

I don't coach like anyone else. I don't focus on basic, generic business-building advice or theory, and I don't focus on just 'booking more clients'- we will focus on crafting your ENTIRE business around YOUR clients so you can book BETTER clients at BETTER pricing, premium pricing.

And, true empowered selling from my point of view of being a coach, psychology, and neuroscience. Not just some tactics to use to 'save a sale' and 'close the deal'.

If I would have waited until I felt ready to move to Iceland, I would have NEVER done it.

If I would have waited until I felt ready to start creating unique packages for my clients that deviate from the industry norm, I would have never done it.

If I would have waited until I felt ready to improve any of my life’s circumstances, I would have been waiting longer in the state I didn’t want to be in than move into the state I wanted to be in.

I was ready because I decided I was ready. I decided I was going to take action on the things I knew would help me get to where I wanted to be. I didn’t wait until a plan that I didn’t even know would work was in place. I just took action and trusted that I would not let myself fail.

So, where are you holding yourself back until your external circumstances tell you that you are ready instead of listening to your internal circumstances and going after what you want?

xoxo Steph

Are you wondering if 5k ALCHEMIST is for you? DM me and let's talk about it.

PS- I have created a 6 payment plan based on conversations I'm having. Would a plan of
only $424 a month be helpful for you to join?


Is Your Mind Gunk Holding Your Photography or Creative Business Back From Growing?


Stay Weird and Make More Money in Your Photography and Creative Service Business | Business Coach for Photographers and Creatives