Marketing Without Social Media Workshop for Photographers | Business Coach for Photographers & Creatives

Is it possible to market your photography business AND book premium-priced clients without social media?

My answer to that is ‘abso-fucking-lutely’.

business coach for photographers and creatives Steph Zakas drinking coffee in Brooklyn
marketing without social media for photographers example of getting right for you clients without relying on social media
marketing without social media for photographers example of getting right for you clients without relying on social media with an example of premium priced elopement packages
marketing without social media for photographers example of getting right for you clients without relying on social media with an excited client
marketing without social media for photographers example of getting right for you clients without relying on social media with an example of premium priced elopement client
marketing without social media for photographers example of getting right for you clients without relying on social media with clients who i love

As a business coach for creatives, mostly business coach for elopement photographers (like attracts like), an overwhelming majority of clients who come to me are:

  • introverted

  • neurodivergent and/or multi-passionaite

  • value adventure, the outdoors, hiking, and traveling (aka business freedom)

  • want to provide a service that is PREMIUM and priced well above industry standard

  • want to work with people that get them, that they get, and that is a mutual comfortability between them both.

Because again, like attracts like. That is ALSO who I am- so I totally get it. Because of the above list, most of my clients also do not align with marketing on social media. They tend to feel that it:

  • is an energy suck

  • they don’t see a lot of ROES (return on energy spent). AKA- they aren’t really booking people from it or not the ‘right’ people.

  • they feel like it’s a total churn of content, all the time, never-ending.

  • it feels like an obligation they don’t want to be a part of.

The interesting part of this is that even though they KNOW they don’t align with marketing on social media, and they can FEEL the internal conflict, marketing using Instagram™ and Facebook™ are typically the ONLY marketing they’re even doing when they come to me to be their business coach.

Typically, the conversation in our initial connection consult goes something like this:

Me: So, what brings you to see about private coaching with me?
Potential Coaching Client: I want more leads, I want clients who are more ‘my people’, and I want to raise my prices.
Me: Fork yeah, that’s my sauce. What are you currently doing to get more leads and better-aligned clients?
Potential Coaching Client: I post to Instagram™.
Me: How’s that going?
PCC: Not great, I don’t really get leads and if I do they are just price shopping.
Me: What are you posting on IG?
PCC: To my feed and reels. And I post a lot but it doesn’t seem to work and I also feel drained by it and I also kind of hate it.
Me: What else are you doing for marketing?
PCC: Ummmm, I blog sometimes. I have a few but not many.
Me: Anything else?
PCC: * blank stare at me. blinks a few times *

/end scene.

Elopement & Wedding Photographers, hear me out-

So, if you have thought or said this to yourself or your business friends:

- ''if I wasn't a business owner I would get rid of social media.''
- ''I wish I had more leads.''
- ''I wish my leads were more 'my people'.''
- ''I honestly don't even understand what marketing is''
- ''I only post to Instagram because I don't really know what I'm doing''
- 'how THE FUCK do people get those high-paying clients landing in their inbox?''

Then this workshop is for you!

You can market without social media and still have a successful elopement photography or creative service-based business.

Even if you want to continue using social media, this will show you what you need to know for it to actually work. From my experience, my guess is most people who want to burn their socials down are because they aren't marketing right so it's a BIG energy suck...

If your deep-held belief is that social media is where a majority of your efforts need to be in order to get clients…
-> this is for you.
If your deep-held belief is that if you step away from social your business will crumble…
-> this workshop is for you.
If your deep-held belief is that you’re not good at marketing and so you are only using Instagram to market because you can post your photos…
-> this workshop is for you.

This workshop is my specialty of:

  • how I book my AMAZING and completely right-for-me aligned clients at premium prices without bowing down to the seemingly 'must' of social media. My average client investment in my elopement photography business is $15,000 (not including prints, without a second photographer, without engagement sessions, without relying on social…) who almost all come to me not from social media.
    True story: I think I have posted to my business socials 3-5 times in the last 2 years.

  • breaking down this monster of a subject in a way that you can take action on literally immediately.

  • using a more long-term energy strategy and having social media accounts as some ‘sprinkles on the cake’, not using it as the cake.

  • not relying on paying for ads in order to get leads. I have never in my life run an ad to get leads. You CAN book premium-priced clients, and make multi-6 a year, without paying for ads. I'll go into more of that in the workshop...

    Even if you are thinking right now that you’re probably aware of some of the things I will be talking about, but you are still relying on social media and ignoring the other things you 'know', this could be a good reminder and refresher if you’re relying too much on your social platforms as your main marketing squeeze.

    Bottom line: if you aren't attracting the right clients, aren't able to book premium-priced clients, and are really putting too many of your eggs in the social basket only- this is for you.

    I’m excited to help those who want to think outside of pleasing the ever-changing algorithms. I’m one of the most vocal I know about this combination, about not doing social if you don't want to, and the deep understanding you need to make it all come to life.


    xoxo Steph

    The workshop has passed.


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